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The article describes the situation developing in the states of the former socialist bloc after the end of the Cold War, and determines its impact on Switzerland’s foreign policy objectives at that time. It emphasizes the fact that the Confederation’s government was seeking to promote reforms and resolve armed conflicts in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe not only because of the sense of solidary responsibility, but also because of the desire to reduce the flow of refugees to Switzerland and to find new partners in the region. It also evaluates the results of technical and financial support programmes implemented in the post-socialist states in 1990- 2016 as well as Switzerland’s assistance to the new Eastern members of the European Union in 2007-2017. In addition, the article outlines the main areas of its cooperation with the post-socialist states in trade and migration as well as Switzerland’s participation in peacekeeping operations in Europe and its provision of good offices to the states of the region.

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How to Cite
ZUYEU, I. (2019). SWITZERLAND’S COOPERATION WITH EUROPEAN POST-SOCIALIST STATES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 109-114. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/695


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