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The modernist trend of imagism is considered to be an integral part of English poetry of the early 20th century. The author of the article describes theoretical aspects of imagism, traces the chronological framework of this trend. The main features of imagist poetry are singled out, among them the author names creating a pure accurate image; freedom in the choice of topics; using everyday language; individual and subjective perception of the world around; vers libre as the main form of their poetic language. The author confirms the important role of imagism both in English literature and in the origin and development of modernism of the 20th century.

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How to Cite
ANTIPOVA, I. (2019). AESTHETIC QUESTS OF IMAGIST POETS IN THE FIRST THIRD OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 63-68. Retrieved from


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