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The article presents the analysis of the topos of the "book" in the literary process of the turn of 20th – 21th centuries, the specifics of the structure of a topos: as а central semantic elements are negatively labeled components of the binary oppositions that reflect the basic philosophical levels – ontological, axiological, epistemological. The structure of the topos determines the development of the plot, builds a system of characters, and also determines the chronotope of the work. Acting as a stable image endowed with spatial coordinates, the topos "book" is represented in the text by various subtoposes. For the literature of the last decade, the following spaces are characteristic: the book itself, the library (traditional spatial images, the primary interpretation of which is associated with the actualization of the idea of "living" book knowledge; however, in modern literature, developing in the framework of the trend towards the archiving of culture, even these subtopics are interpreted as negative spaces), as well as atypical loci – archive, Museum, antiquarian bookstore, demonstrating the value view of the human world of the transitional historical period.

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How to Cite
BAHDZEVICH, A. (2019). TOPOS "BOOK" IN THE LITERATURE OF POST-MODERNISM: STRUCTURE, SEMANTICS, THE FUNCTIONING. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 76-82. Retrieved from


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