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The article describes the patterns of functioning of argumentative means used in one of the genre varieties of the English-language scientific-educational text – lecture. The dominant types of argumentation (causative argumentation and argumentation-explanation), rational arguments containing factual data, illustrative examples, statistical data and language means updating the above named arguments are presented. The regularity of the interaction of argumentative means with the main pragmatic factors (the intentions of the author and the type of addressee with an average scientific and intellectual potential) is proved. Complexes of argumentative language means, regulated by the pragmatic factors of the speech interaction of communication partners, are qualified as one of the components of the genre linguopragmatic dominant, namely its argumentative component. It is assumed that the complexes of argumentative means used by the authors are the basis of genre differentiation of scientific texts.

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How to Cite
KHAMENKA, K. (2019). LINGUOPRAGMATIC FEATURES OF ARGUMENTATION OF ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC-EDUCATIONAL TEXT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 115-120. Retrieved from
Author Biography

K. KHAMENKA, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

канд. филол. наук


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