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Various types of artistic details in the trilogy "The Polesye Chronicle” by Ivan Melezh are reviewed and analyzed in the article. Artistic details in "The Polesye Chronicle" play a special role in creating the image of characters, conveying the depth of characteristics and psychological state with the help of small touches. An artistic detail ensures the authenticity and motivation of the images, reflecting the essence of the artistic whole and becoming a microimage combining psychological content, expressiveness and typifying essence. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that the article presents the classification of all the details used by the author in the trilogy, their implicative possibilities are considered. The possibility of transforming of an artistic detail into a symbol has been investigated on the example of the trilogy novels.

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How to Cite
BRYNINA, E. (2020). THE POETICS OF AN ARTISTIC DETAIL IN I. MELEZH’S TRILOGY "THE POLESYE CHRONICLE" . Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 14-17. Retrieved from


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