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The objective of the study is to reveal patterns in the use of lexical variants in Belarusian Russian. The research is based on the responses to the online questionnaire concerning the names of 20 objects and other phenomena (about 1350 respondents). Quantitative analysis shows that the percentage of country-specific variants in onomasiological profiles varies: some words are often used to name particular objects (so-called strong variants) while others are mentioned only occasionally (so-called weak variants). The study reveals several lexical variants typical of one area of the country, but in general, it supports the idea that Belarusian Russian is rather geographically homogeneous. The comparative study of onomasiological profiles of different age groups demonstrates lexical change. The qualitative analysis of comments confirms and complements the results of quantitative analysis regarding peculiarities of usage of variants, associated with certain region, age, style of communication and other factors. Sociolinguistic surveys are considered not only as sources of data, but also as a way to interact with the society.

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How to Cite
GORITSKAYA, O. (2020). COMPETITION OF LEXICAL VARIANTS IN BELARUSIAN RUSSIAN (BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL DATA). Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 63-70. Retrieved from
Author Biography

O. GORITSKAYA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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