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The article considers partial phraseological equivalents and full analogues which are involved in the general phraseological fund of the Russian, Belarusian and English languages. These include expressions that coincide semantically, are similar in structure, but differ in lexemes in component-by-component translation. The main causes of lexical discrepancies caused by linguistic and extralinguistic factors are analyzed. The associative (metaphorical, metonymical) and semantic (thematic, hypero-hyponymic, metonymical, synonymic, antonymic) relations between phraseological components that do not match are identified. Lexical differences and relations between them are revealed only by component-by-component translation and analysis into another language.

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How to Cite
NOVOGRAN, Y. (2020). LEXICAL DIFFERENCES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS COMMON TO THE RUSSIAN, BELARUSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 108-114. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/770


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