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The article deals with the family image in G. Grass’s novel Crabwalk (2002). The interest to the family image in German literature appears as a reaction to political, social and economic changes. The specificity of family rep-resentation is detected: the family in its individual and typical role, as well as in a wider context for homeland image. There are repetitive motives (motive of guilt and penance, motive of past rethinking, motive of trauma) and authorial techniques (through character, numerical symbolism, a system of references to earlier works by mentioning the char-acters they encountered) in the novel. The novel connects several subject lines in different space-time stages and creates a complex narrative construction similar to the chronicle-documentary narration.

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How to Cite
KUZNECHYK, K. (2020). PECULARITIES OF THE FAMILY IMAGE IN G. GRASS’S NOVEL CRABWALK. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 62-66. Retrieved from


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