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The article describes the specifics of communicative tabooing as one of the tools for regulating the verbal interaction of participants in online communities constructed on the material of popular Belarusian Internet fo-rums (Grodno Internet Forum (, “Onliner” (, the forum “Tut govoriat” ( The features of the network Internet community as a special type of linguocultural and communicative community are indicated. The main methods and means of communicative tabooing, as well as the factors and functions of their use by Internet users are described. It is marked that the communicative practices of taboo creating and taboo breaking reflect in the speech culture and linguo-creative potential of participants in Internet communities, as well as their understanding about effective strategies and tactics of Internet-mediated dialogue. The degree of compliance with prohibitive and restrictive norms, the choice of a particular method and means of taboo creating or taboo breaking, the activity of metacommunicative reflection serve the self-presentation of users, as well as the establishment of their communicative position within the Internet community.
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