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The article analyzes the multicultural policy of Cameron’s governments; it indicates reasons for Cameron’s critical attitude to multiculturalism in Britain. The author points out the contradiction between the aim of the policy of Cameron’s governments, derived from his unwillingness to foster cultural pluralism, and the real actions of his Cabinets with regarding the British model of multiculturalism. The study is based on laws, official speeches of the Prime Minister, government and party documents, researches of analytical centres, various electronic resources of remote access.

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How to Cite
SURMA, A. (2021). D. CAMERON’S POLICY TOWARDS BRITISH MULTICULTURALISM (2010 – 2016). Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (1), 185-189. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/916


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