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The author considers causes, the course and results of the Crusade on Smyrna (Izmir) 1343 – 1348 which was organized by European states (the Republic of Venice, the Order of Hospitallers, the Kingdom of Cyprus and the Avignon papacy) against Westernanatolian beyliks (Aydin, Sarukhan, Karasi) in this article. The author concludes that despite the successes achieved by Europeans during the Crusade, further disagreements over the items of the peace treaty and the outbreak of the Third Venetian-Genoese War (1350 – 1355) led to a weakening of the economic and political influence of the participants of the Holy League 1343 – 1348 in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean in the second half of the 14th century. Also the second half of the 14th century became the period of decline of the Westernanatolian beyliks caused by the Ottoman threat.

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SHPET, M. (2021). THE CRUSADE ON SMYRNA (IZMIR) OF 1343 – 1348. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (1), 206-209. Retrieved from


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