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Educational Institution “Polotsk State University” An installation for diffusive saturation of the wire by direct transmission of electric current through the product in the mode of thermal cycling according to the pendulum scheme is proposed. The equipment allows processing by continuous and stepped wire feed. It is possible to heat treat the wire previously subjected to diffusion saturation in a furnace to redistribute the alloying elements and improve the quality of the surface layer. Replacing a thyristor-comparator pair with a solid-state relay made it possible to replace the analog signal with a digital one. Made it possible to saturate a wire with a diameter of less than 1 mm with an accuracy of setting the duration of heating and cooling up to 0.01 seconds at a maximum strength of current passed through the processed wire material, 100 A. Previously, the minimum heating duration was 1 second, and the maximum force current 30 A. The possibility of controlling the physical parameters of the process of diffusion saturation of the wire of wire materials is provided.

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How to Cite
SEMENCHENKO, M. (2022). IMPROVEMENT OF EQUIPMENT FOR DIFFUSIVE SATURATION OF WIRE MATERIAL. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 27-31. Retrieved from
Machine-building and theoretical engineering


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