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In this work, a promising direction in the development and research of contact devices for mass transfer devices is determined. The advantages of the developed regularly-structured zigzag packing are described, and stable modes of operation in the range of gas velocities are noted. The influence of the geometric parameters of the packing on its hydraulic and mass transfer characteristics has been investigated. It is noted that the efficiency of mass transfer was estimated from the height of the transfer unit on a model system during desorption of carbon dioxide from water. The technique of the theory of similarity is considered for the possibility of scaling and using the obtained data in the calculation of industrial devices. Criteria are given that have the greatest impact on the intensity of mass transfer and hydrodynamics. Functional dependencies and methods for calculating the determined criteria are presented. The coefficients and exponents of the criteria equations are obtained by the least squares method using a system of normal equations. The range of errors of the obtained data is determined.

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How to Cite
VAYTEKHOVICH Р., & MYTSKO, D. (2022). SIMILARITY OF PROCESSES OF HYDRODYNAMICS AND MASS TRANSFER IN A REGULAR STRUCTURED NOZZLE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 114-119. Retrieved from
Chemical technologies
Author Biography

Р. VAYTEKHOVICH, Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk

д-р техн. наук, проф.


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