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This article proposes an algorithm for managing occupational risks in fuel and chemical organizations. The proposed algorithm includes the analysis of stochastic and non-stochastic hazards, assessment of their significance and selection of the highest priority hazards using a neural network method of analysis. Digitalization of the proposed methodology allows to carry out the hazard identification procedure quickly and efficiently, to identify and ensure operational management of priority hazards, as well as to reduce the risk of emergency situations and accidents at hazardous production facilities.

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How to Cite
SAMUSEVICH, V., & BULAUKA, Y. (2022). ALGORITHM OF OCCUPATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS OF THE FUEL AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (10), 98-103. Retrieved from
Chemical technologies
Author Biography

Yu. BULAUKA, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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