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A summary of literature data on methods for removing sulfur from high-sulfur petroleum coke is presented. The following directions of petroleum coke desulfurization are considered: solvent extraction, thermal desulfurization, oxidative desulfurization, desulfurization in an atmosphere of sulfur-containing gas, desulfurization in an atmosphere of hydrocarbon gases, hydrodesulphurization, desulfurization by introducing various additives, microbiological desulfurization. The features are considered and the effectiveness of the above methods of desulfurization of petroleum coke is indicated. It is shown that the removal of sulfur from petroleum high-sulfur coke is a complex problem. At the same time, the processes of desulfurization of petroleum coke, despite their diversity, are multi-stage, and the efficiency of each stage and the desulfurization process as a whole is affected by many different technological factors. The methods of desulfurization of petroleum coke considered and systematized in this work can be used both to select a strategic direction for the processing of high-sulfur coke in order to reduce its sulfur content, and to obtain new types of products based on it with unique consumer properties.

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How to Cite
YUKHNO, D., & YERMAK А. (2022). METHODS OF DESULFURIZATION OF PETROLEUM COKE (OVERVIEW). Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (10), 121-127. Retrieved from
Author Biography

А. YERMAK, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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