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The actual issue of obtaining objective results when assessing the state of the valve seats worn surfaces of the valve timing gear of an internal combustion engine has been considered in this article, as well as the imperfections of existing methods for assessing local and integral wear in the problems of flaw detection during overhauls in vehicle repair industry. The need for a mathematical approach in solving the posed problems has been confirmed by assessing the state of worn surfaces with complex-variable topography due to the developed geometric interpolation 3D model that describes the profile to be restored in the valve seats flaw detection process. Practical methods for assessing the degree of valve seats wear have been offered on the basis of a mathematical 3D model through the introduction of a technique for using circular diagrams and profilograms using precise control and measuring equipment.
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G. VEREMEY, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk
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