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The article presents the problem of the general noise environmental pollution from openly located bindings of pipelines are presented in article. The analysis of literature and researches. Noise sources are established. The existing complex of means and actions for noise reduction is described. Also, taking into account results of the analysis of literature, adequate physics-mathematics models are briefly described: for the description and calculation of vibration of pipelines, including taking into account influence of a vibrationabsorbing covering on decrease in vibration; for calculation of the soundproofing properties of walls of the pipeline and the protection soundproofing covers taking into account application vibro-and sound-absorbing coverings; for calculation of sound generation of separate elements of the pipeline and all binding of pipelines in general taking into account a radiation orientation.

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How to Cite
ISKRA, V., & SPIRIDIONOK, L. (2017). ANALYSIS OF THE METHODS OF REDUCING NOISE EMISSION OF THE MAIN SOURCES IN THE TERRITORY OF COMPRESSOR STATION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (3), 131-134. Retrieved from
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