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Results of microscopic examination of bitumen surface subjected to deformation at negative temperatures are presented here. Includings have been educed on the surface of fragile scoules of oxidized and compounded road bitumen. These includings are obviously deformation units of dispersed particles; includings are not found out at the unoxidized bitumen. It is shown that bitumen of single-convolution structure have higher crack resistance than bitumen of globular structure, where globules are connected with each other. It is estimated that destruction of bitumen of single-convolution microrelief structure at negative temperatures is connected with the formation micro-defects (cracks), while deformation of single-convolution elements occurs. Therefore from the point of view of tow temperature performance micro-corrugated structure is better for road bitumen than large-corrugated one.

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How to Cite
SUKHOVILO, N., & TKACHYOV, S. (2016). THE PECULIARITIES OF DESTRUCTION OF ROAD BITUMEN STRUCTURE AT NEGATIVE TEMPERATURES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (11), 95-100. Retrieved from
Химическая технология. Охрана труда
Author Biography

S. TKACHYOV, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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