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Optimum parameters of modes of friction stir welding, which are widely used in manufacture of welded structures of 0.8…0.3 mm thickness aluminium alloys of different alloying systems, were determined. It is shown that quality weld formation in friction stir welding of thin sheet aluminium alloys can be provided due to correct selection of depth of tool immersion in metal being welded, tool rotation frequency and rate of its linear movement along the joint or welding rate. Relationship was determined between total content of alloying and modifying elements in the aluminium alloy being welded, welding rate and tool rotation frequency. A range of optimum relationships, expressing a length of linear movement of tool along the joint per its one revolution, which provides quality formation of the welds of thin sheet aluminium alloys AMtsN, AD33, AMg2M, 1460, AMg5M, 1201 and AMg6M, was determined. Formula dependencies in form of power functions, limiting this range and allowing calculation of necessary rates of revolution and tool movement for any aluminium alloy, containing 2.2…8.4 % of alloying and modifying elements, were received.

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How to Cite
POKLYATSKY А. (2015). PARAMETERS OF FSW PROCESS OF THIN SHEET ALUMINIUM ALLOYS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (11), 53-58. Retrieved from
Machine-building and theoretical engineering
Author Biography

А. POKLYATSKY, E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute (PWI), Kyiv

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