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V. RUBANIK (jr.)


The research results of low-temperature heat and ultrasonic treatment on setting strain in the samples of Ti-50,4 at.% Ni alloy with shape memory are presented in this paper. It is found that shape memory setting of TiNi actuators can be carried out by heat treatment at temperatures not exceeding 200 °C, and in the case of using ultrasonic treatment the maximum temperature will not be higher than ~ 72 °C. We offer a model of the low-temperature shape memory setting process, that establishes a connection between the setting strain and heat treatment temperature or the intensity of ultrasonic vibrations and treatment duration and confirmed by the results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the finish reverse martensite transformation temperature in a stressed material. The low-temperature methods of TiNi alloys processing for shape memory setting by heat or ultrasonic treatment are developed.

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How to Cite
RUBANIK, V., RUBANIK (jr.), V., & MILIUKINA, S. (2015). METHODS AND MODEL OF LOW-TEMPERATURE SHAPE MEMORY SETTING IN TiNi ALLOYS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (11), 69-76. Retrieved from
Machine-building and theoretical engineering
Author Biographies

V. RUBANIK, The Institute of Technical Acoustics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vitebsk

чл.-кор. НАН Беларуси, д-р техн. наук

V. RUBANIK (jr.), Vitebsk State University of Technology

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доц.


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