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The object of study in the article is the working chamber of the chain unit. We consider its previously proposed threerod model in the equilibrium position under the influence of gravity, the shape of which was determined using the angular parameters αл and αп borrowed from experience. Here, in a new study, a variant of the analytical determination of these parameters is proposed. To achieve the goal, transcendental equations are obtained and an algorithm for the successive approximation method is developed to solve them. An algorithm used for numerical studies of the nature of changes in angles αл, αп depending on the ratio of gravity forces applied in kinematic pairs and the crank rotation angle. The corresponding graphs have been built. It has been established that the inclination of the plane of movement of the working parts of the chamber does not affect the angular parameters obtained for the equilibrium position in the vertical plane.

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How to Cite
POTAPOV, V., RUSAN, S., & SIVACHENKO, L. (2024). STUDY OF THE EQUILIBRIUM POSITION OF THE MECHANISMS OF THE WORKING CHAMBER OF A CHAIN UNIT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (1), 45-53.
Machine-building and theoretical engineering


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