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The article discusses the method and device for remote diagnostics (RD) of cells of a high-voltage battery pack (HVBP) of electric vehicles (EV). The data obtained can be used in the diagnosis of electric vehicles, as well as in the design, maintenance and repair. Improvement of remote diagnostics of individual cells and the entire HVBP by integrating the converted data into the internal data network and transmitting to the server of telematics services with subsequent data processing, which, first of all, will allow to quickly identify problem cells, thereby preventing failures or failures in the operation of the HVBP, plan routine repairs, adjust maintenance standards, and also to predict the state of the HVBP in order to bring it closer to the ideal resource. This data can be used to adjust the operating modes on the route and to select routes according to the actual state in order to work out the maximum possible number of charge-discharge cycles. The work includes the creation of algorithms for reading data, the formation of a set of diagnostic parameters and a data package for integration into the internal data bus and for sending to the server.
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A. GURSKII, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk
канд. техн. наук, доц.
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