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The work reveals the development of the technology for repairing the housings of internal combustion engines (ICE).

The design of the engine housing is considered, the most repairable zones are identified. It is determined that the elements of the engine housing, which are destroyed in the first place, are the zones most often in contact with the elements of the road surface, as well as the zones of disassembly and adjustment measures and the zones affected by elevated temperatures. Processes causing deformation or destruction of individual parts of engine housing are considered. It has been observed that the main operational defects are concentrated in the upper and lower zones of the engine housing, which imposes certain restrictions on repair and recovery methods and technologies.

Proposed technology includes operations for complete preparation of defective emergency zone, elimination of defects, subsequent heat treatment and testing of assembly assembly as a whole. The recommendations for restoring the initial dimensions and mechanical properties of the engine surfaces, taking into account various types of materials, are considered in detail.

The operability tests of the housings restored using this technology showed that the operability and technical and operational parameters of the restored units have values that are quite acceptable for operation.

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How to Cite
FRUTSKII, V., & SEMENCHENKO, M. (2024). TECHNOLOGY FOR RESTORING THE PERFORMANCE OF ENGINE BODY PARTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (2), 97-101.
Author Biography

V. FRUTSKII, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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