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This work presents a study of the wetting of the surface of elements of regular structured packing used in phase separation processes in the chemical industry. Regular structured packings are known for their high throughput and mass transfer efficiency, making them important for optimizing processes. The experiments assessed the influence of geometric characteristics of corrugated sheets, such as the length of the generating line and the presence of perforation, on the efficiency of wetting and hydrodynamic parameters. The results showed that perforation of the corrugated elements significantly improves wetting, promoting uniform distribution of the liquid over the surface and increasing the intensity of phase interactions.

Based on the obtained data, the optimal size of the generating corrugation was determined. In particular, a generating size of 8 mm was recognized as the most effective and was used for designing two types of packings with specific surfaces of 250 m²/m³ and 400 m²/m³. The results are of significant practical importance and can be used for the development of more efficient equipment in the chemical industry, which in turn contributes to improved performance and reduced costs.

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How to Cite
MYTSKO, D., YANG, Y., ZHAO, X., & SUN, Z. (2025). STUDY OF WETTING OF THE SURFACE OF A REGULAR STRUCTURED PACKING ELEMENT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (1), 97-106.
Author Biography

D. MYTSKO, Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk

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