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Based on the analysis of the cutting conditions of the milling cutters and their geometric parameters, a approach to modeling the rational positions of the coordinate systems of the workpiece and tool at the beginning and end points of the cutting paths, as well as the values of the cutting tools during face milling with modern carbide plates, is proposed, which provides the minimum values of the cutting lengths and working strokes. The presented decision support system makes it possible to perform automated calculation of the specified parameters for dimensional adjustment of milling machines. The use of the system in machine-building enterprises makes it possible: to reduce the cost of processing flat surfaces with end mills due to the reduction of the main (machine) time by minimizing the values of the working strokes of the cutters; to increase the service life and the stand-up period of the cutter due to the appointment of the sparing cutting modes recommended by tool manufacturers in the area of dynamic loads when cutting the cutters. The results of the work can also be useful in organizations specializing in the development of CAM systems and the educational process.

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How to Cite
POPOK, N., BELYAKOV, N., & YANOVICH, V. (2021). DIMENSIONAL ADJUSTMENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM END MILLS FOR PROGRAMMING MACHINING ON CNC MACHINES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (11), 7-17. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/industry/article/view/881
Author Biographies

N. POPOK, Polotsk State University

д-р техн. наук, проф.

N. BELYAKOV, Vitebsk State University of Technology

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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