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The paper deals with the development of technology for repairing diesel injectors. The design of the nozzle is considered, the most repairable parts of the wearing parts are identified. It was determined that the parts of the nozzle that are destroyed in the first place and determine the operability of the nozzle as a whole are the needle and the nozzle body. The processes causing wear of these parts of the nozzle are considered. It is noticed that the total wear of the tribo-pair of the locking cone of the nozzle needle and the atomizer body is from 0.16–0.31 microns. This leads to an increase in fuel supply by 3–7%, which negatively affects both the economic factors associated with the operation of the machine and the issues of negative technogenic impact on the environment. The proposed technology for restoring the working capacity of a nozzle includes the operation of disassembling the nozzle and cleaning its parts, troubleshooting of parts, etching of the needles and nozzle bodies, the operation of coating and repairing the body, machining, assembly and testing operations. Recommendations for restoring the original dimensions and mechanical properties of the surfaces of the nozzle needle of a diesel engine are considered in detail, taking into account various classes of steels. The performance tests of the injectors restored using this technology have shown that the wear rate of the restored needles in the repaired injectors is quite acceptable for its operation.

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How to Cite
PILIPENKO, S., SHTEMPEL, O., FRUTSKIY, V., & KOSTRITSKIY, V. (2021). RESTORING THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE “NEEDLE-BODY” CONNECTION OF THE DIESEL ENGINE NOZZLE SPRAYER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part B. Industry. Applied Sciences, (11), 65-72. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

S. PILIPENKO, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.

O. SHTEMPEL, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.

V. FRUTSKIY, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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