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The article considers the Japanese pilgrimage as an essential part of the religious life of adherents of traditional religions of Japan, Shintoism and Buddhism. The questions of the origin and development of this phenomenon are analyzed. Numerous examples show the diversity of pilgrimages in Japan. It is noted that the activities and heritage of the pilgrims are important material for studying the culture of this ancient civilization. The most visited religious sites are distinguished: special sacred temples, burials, natural sanctuaries. For tens of millions of believers in Japan, a reverent attitude towards the object of worship serves the accumulation of grace and reconciliation with spirits. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the Japanese pilgrimage, to show the influence of historical, geographical, cultural factors on their formation. This work may be useful for solving pressing problems of interaction with representatives of the world of Japanese civilization.

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How to Cite
ZAITSEV, D. (2019). PILGRIMAGE IN JAPAN: ORIGINS, TRADITIONS, FEATURES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 71-76. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/pedagogical/article/view/148
Author Biography

D. ZAITSEV, Belarusian State Academy of Communications, Minsk

канд. филос. наук, доц.


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