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In the early period of Kant's work he was mainly interested in the problems of "descriptive natural science": the theory of the origin of matter (mechanics), the origin of the Solar System, the ratio of space and time, etc. Only in the critical period he realizes the limitations of the mechanistic interpretation of natural processes, which is associated with the limitation of the ability of reason in the "Criticism of Pure Reason". The early works of the philosopher analyzed in the article do not represent an integral natural philosophy system, rather, the thinker makes an attempt to synthesize and philosophically substantiate some controversial points of view of scientists of the second half of the XVIII century with respect natural sciences. However in "descriptive natural science" philosopher has achieved great success. Outlining the boundaries of the mechanistic understanding of nature, he wondered what is the subject of pure philosophy and developed a methodology that became the basis for solving a number of controversial problems in modern physics and mathematics (for example, the program of constructivism and Brauer` s intuitionism in mathematics, etc.).

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PUKHAVA, N. (2020). NATURAL PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN THE PRE-CRITICAL PERIOD OF CREATIVITY I. KANT. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 85-90. Retrieved from


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