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 The article deals with the phenomenon of the Internet as a special social and political space. The problem of digital culture formation in conditions of exponential development of information and communication technologies is considered. Internet users form a specific area of social relations, the analysis of which can show not only the eclectic set of domain names (autonomous regions) within the virtual reality, but also reveal the hierarchy and, what is equally important, the collective values of the Internet environment. The social, economic and political importance of the digital environment is undeniable, making it a place of struggle for influence by agents with varying degrees of ideological engagement. A key aspect of this article is the representation of digital culture as a system formed and having its own attributes, without taking into account the values of which the Internet appears as a thing-in-itself.

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How to Cite
STASHIS, V. (2020). THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRATIC FOUNDATIONS OF DIGITAL CULTURE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 103-109. Retrieved from


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