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 In order to increase the efficiency of training highly qualified hammer throwers for the main starts of the sports season, the factors of their competitive activity were studied, as well as the methodological basis for achieving the parameters of such factors in the annual cycle. As a result of the studies, external factors of the target competitive activity of highly qualified hammer throwers were determined during the execution of hammer shots, during the competition between attempts, outside of sports, as well as motor abilities and (or) components of the functioning of the athlete’s body that characterize the supply of external factors (internal factors target competitive activity). A methodology for the training of highly qualified hammer throwers in the annual cycle has been developed. The achievement of the parameters of competitive activity at the time of the main starts of the sports season is carried out on the basis of planning the magnitude and direction of the loads at the stages of the preparatory and competitive periods and their implementation and correction in the course of the annual training cycle of a highly skilled hammer thrower. A methodology has been developed for planning a one-year training cycle for hammer throwers, which is based on the logical sequence of decision-making when programming the training process of highly qualified athletes.

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How to Cite
TIKHON, G. (2020). TRAINING IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED HAMMER THROWERS IN THE ANNUAL CYCLE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 120-126. Retrieved from
Physical Education and Sports


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