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The purpose of the work was to study the coordination abilities that ensure the maintenance of the stable position of the boxers body. Boxers - veterans, young boxers and persons engaged in qigong were examined by the help of stabilometry. The speed of movement of CD in veterans with Romberg sample with open eyes is statistically significantly higher than in young boxers (p = 0.0001), which indicates training of the athlete. The method of stabilometry can be used to diagnose head injuries and monitor rehabilitation measures carried out subsequently, focusing on changes in the area of the stabilogramm, fluctuations in the planes. Improvement of respiratory practices both during training and rehabilitation will accelerate the processes of stabilization of the body pozitions.

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How to Cite
BOLSHAKOV, L. (2020). COORDINATION ABILITIES OF VETERAN BOXERS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (7), 137-140. Retrieved from
Physical Education and Sports


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