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The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship of the components of the “dark triad” with cognitive-affective personality traits (emotional intelligence and emotional creativity) and indicators of social and individual values during early adulthood. It has been established that individuals with psychopathy are not characterized by efficiency, authenticity, they underestimate safety. Individuals with a high level of psychopathy are not characterized by preparedness, novelty, ability to understand other people's emotions, understanding emotions in general and independence. Women with traits of Machiavellianism and psychopathy are not characterized by preparedness, efficiency, authenticity, they underestimate safety. Women with a high level of narcissism highly value power, achievement, hedonism, universalism, security, along with this, they are not characterized by expression control, they are characterized by preparedness, novelty, they understand other people's emotions well, appreciate power, independence and stimulation. Along with this, men with psychopathy traits are not characterized by managing other people's emotions and understanding them, striving for achievement, independence, universalism, stimulation, kindness, security, traditions and conformity. Men with traits of Machiavellianism and narcissism are not inclined to be prepared and kind, but they have the ability to control other people's emotions. Men with a high level of narcissism are characterized by efficiency, authenticity and safety, but expression control is not characteristic.

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How to Cite
PORTNOVA, P. (2022). COGNITIVE-AFFECTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS AND SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL VALUES IN INDIVIDUALS WITH “DARK TRIAD” TRAITS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (13), 86-91. Retrieved from


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