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Smartphone addiction is associated with depression, anxiety, stress, dissatisfaction with life, health problems and a number of other negative properties. The article found that the dependence of girls and boys on a smartphone is positively associated with exposure to cyberbullying, victimization and dependence on social networks and negatively – with exposure to manipulation. The positive relationship between smartphone addiction and victimization is realized through positive correlations between most of the factors that form these complex constructs. The feedback between smartphone addiction and exposure to manipulation is carried out through negative correlations between the factors that form them, and its difference from the positive relationship with exposure to cyberbullying shows that these two exposures to adverse influences are fundamentally different. The difference is explained by the fact that cyberbullying is an open manifestation of an unfriendly attitude towards the addressee of the impact, and manipulation is a covert control of him, often masked by ostentatious friendliness. The results obtained can be used in practical work with pupils and students in the process of explaining to them the dangers of excessive smartphone use.

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V. SHEYNOV, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk

д-р социол. наук, канд. физ-мат. наук, проф.


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