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The article “Cultural Competence: Modern Approaches” is devoted to the definition, content and practical sense of cultural competence in the modern era of global sociocultural transformation, intercultural communication, and social collaboration. The author focused her attention on the different approaches to culture which is a whole system of symbols, heroes, rituals, and values. Technology for Cultural Competence measurement (CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action) is described in the article. The author shows the role of cultural competence in intercultural interaction, international activities, in politics, cultural diplomacy, business, and other social spheres. Cultural competence is vital for national identity, nation security and nation building.

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How to Cite
ULADYKOUSKAJA, L. (2016). CULTURAL COMPETENCE: MODERN APPROACHES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 92-96. Retrieved from
Author Biography

L. ULADYKOUSKAJA, National Institute For Higher Education, Minsk

канд. філал. навук, дац.


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