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In the article, there is an attempt to study the approaches of one of the leading representatives of the Polish Enlightenment Hugo Kołłątaj to the problem of construction of military defensive concept of the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth. The author focuses on pedagogical aspects of these views that significantly influenced the ideas about civil army and social progress by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Gabriel de Mably. The article demonstrates the increase of interest to the mentioned issues among Polish magnates and gentry of that time in the context of national struggle for the integrity and independence of the Polish state. Special attention is paid to Hugo Kołłątaj’s plans on modernization and spread of military education and organization of continuous training of future soldiers starting from the primary school. In addition, there was analyzed the concept of transformation of the Polish feudal army of that time in the direction of formation of the national army in specific conditions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 18th century.
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A. CWER, Высшая школа союза семей им. Бл. Эдмунда Баяновского, Варшава
д-р гуманитар. наук
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