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The article deals with a new form of acculturation of personality – online-acculturation, which arose in the present conditions of the active integration of the subjects of the various national cultures in the Internetspace. The author notes the growing influence of intercultural contacts through online media culture of the personality, which leads to changes in the value-ideological, social, psychological, political and other human orientations. In the article the author's definition of "online-acculturation of identity” was submitted and disclosed the terms of process of intercultural interaction. Characteristics of Internet users as a subject and object onlineacculturation caused by a number of factors such as the level of personal information culture, active / passive using resources on the Internet and so on. Held the idea that online-acculturation of identity not only transform the culture of the personality, but also forms a new kind of culture in the global space - the Internet culture of personality.

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How to Cite
KOSIK, Y. (2015). ONLINE-ACCULTURATION OF PERSONALITY IN MODERN INTEGRATIONAL CONDITIONS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 104-107. Retrieved from


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