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The problem of the health of young people is relevant for many countries of the world, since it determines the future of the nation. In the People's Republic of China (PRC), the 2020 pandemic had a significant negative impact on the physical development of the younger generation. In this regard, it is necessary to find ways to improve physical health and increase the physical fitness of the population. This article discusses the issues of increasing the level of physical fitness of students through physical education, in particular through the game of badminton. An analysis of the level of physical fitness of students - girls and boys - was carried out according to the main indicators of the development of motor qualities - flexibility, endurance, the level of manifestation of coordination, strength, speed and speed-strength abilities. Using the enormous popularity of badminton among young people in China, possible options for including the game of badminton in the content of physical education in the higher education system of the PRC are proposed.

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How to Cite
JING, F. (2024). USE OF BADMINTON MEANS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF PRC STUDENTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (1), 54-57.


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