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Comparison of communication reactions to jealousy at individuals with differences attachment styles has allowed to reveal presence of significant distinctions in strategy integrative communications, distributive communications, avoidance/ denial, violent communications /threat, surveillance/ restriction, rival contacts. Distinctions in reactions of active distancing, negative affective expression, compensatory restoration, manipulations it is not revealed. Individuals with secure attachment style significantly distinguishes from individuals with other attachment styles of a tendency to use of integrative communications, individuals with fearful attachment style – avoidance/ denial, rival contacts, individuals with preoccupied attachment style – distributive communications, violent communications and threats, surveillance/ restriction, rival contacts, individuals with dismissing attachment style – avoidance/ denial.

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FOURMANOV, . I. . (2018). COMMUNICATIVE REACTIONS TO JEALOUSY OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DIFFERENCES ATTACHMENT STYLES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 60-67. Retrieved from
Author Biography

I. FOURMANOV, Belarusian State University, Minsk

д-р психол. наук, проф.


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