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The article examines the role of alchemy in the formation and development of Chinese philosophy; stresses the relevance of philosophical studies of esotericism and irrational forms of thinking; shows the relationship of alchemical ideas to mythology, religion, philosophy and science. Particular attention is paid to alchemy and its place in the philosophy of Taoism, to the connection between theory and practice as a distinctive feature of Chinese thought. The article explains the main principles of Taoist alchemy and shows the difference between external and internal alchemy, underlining the key role of the principle of analogy of the microcosm and macrocosm in Chinese alchemy and philosophy; the author analyzes the important concepts of Tao, Yin, Yang, which were further developed in China by means of the alchemical and philosophical interpretation, explains the symbolism of cinnabar, mercury, gold, the philosopher's stone. The author shows the interconnections between alchemy and initiation, cosmology and anthropology, analyzes the significance of the ideal of the “holistic knowledge” and the common elements in Chinese and Western alchemy, which shaped the development of Eastern and Western philosophy.

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How to Cite
FILIPPOVICH, A. (2018). THE ROLE OF ALCHEMY IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE PHILOSOPHY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part E. Pedagogic Sciences, (15), 114-120. Retrieved from
Author Biography

A. FILIPPOVICH, Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Minsk

канд. филос. наук


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