In foreign countries, as people pay more and more attention to environmental protection, energy saving and other issues, considering the relative. Superiority, people mix grass straw and soil with water as materials for building walls, such walls The structure is stronger and there are no cracks. However, it is burned on the spot, causing a large amount of smoke and dust, resulting in the formation of smog and haze, which has caused great problems to the environment. China has always attached great importance to the issue of straw. Relevant regulations have been made for comprehensive utilization, and the comprehensive utilization of straw resources has been planned as a "five modernizations" project. The test showed that after the treatment, the sugar precipitation in the straw was effectively blocked and the concrete was shaped; when the straw content was 30% At the same time, the 28-day compressive strength of concrete reaches 9 MPa, which meets the requirements for the use of thermal insulation materials.
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