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Dilatancy phenomenon manifested in incoherent soils, is an important factor in increasing the bearing capacity of pile foundations. To contact friction of pile foundations are formed on the side surface, is to mobilize the strength of cohesive soil. Thus not only mobilized mineral friction in the ground, but the friction engagement. The difference in the values of the bearing capacity of driven piles and piles of shells as defined without considering dilatancy and it proves the importance of the phenomenon of dilatancy in geotechnical practice. To investigate the influence of the “constrained” dilatancy on the bearing capacity of driven piles, as well as to explore the changed conditions “constrained” dilatancy conducted special laboratory tests to simulate the operation of the sand piles in the sand middle. These tests showed that simple changes hesitate cohesive soil conditions lead to an increase in the bearing capacity of pile.
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T. ULASIK, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk
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