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A review and analysis of the verification and validation procedures of computer computational models has been performed in order to provide a conceptual framework and guidance on their implementation in relation to the design of building structures. The description of verification procedures for computer software and computer computational models is presented. The main stages of validation are formulated. The purpose of validation is to confirm the applicability, predictive ability and determination of the characteristics of the accuracy of computer models. Based on the analysis of the design value of the load-bearing capacity, a conclusion is made about the number of experiments required for validation for computer models. The study focuses on the description of verification and validation procedures for computer models of new design solutions and non-standardized model parameters. However, the recommendations given here are also suitable for more studied design solutions, while the scale of verification and validation activities may be reduced.
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V. NADOLSKI, Brest State Technical University
канд. техн. наук, доц.
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