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The article discusses the evolution of the mission of internal audit, its main elements are investigated and defined: the goal, the services provided, users of the results, organizational features, philosophy, interaction with society. The most significant share in the structure of the mission is occupied by the purpose of the internal audit, which was formed based on the information needs of various users. The article authors compared the goals of internal audit, starting from the historical stages of its development, the advantages and disadvantages are indicated. Based on the study of economic literature, the authors substantiated the model of the formation of internal audit, their content in the context of key links is revealed. The need to model the internal audit mission is caused by the fact that it will allow business entities to select and develop an internal audit service based on business goals and satisfy the information interests of stakeholders.

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How to Cite
DANILKOVA, S., & PANKOV, D. (2022). TO THE QUESTION OF CHOOSING THE FORMATION MODEL INTERNAL AUDIT MISSIONS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 13-18.
Экономические науки
Author Biographies

S. DANILKOVA, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk

канд. экон. наук, доц.

D. PANKOV, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk

д-р экон. наук, проф.


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