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The article discusses approaches to the legal protection of biotechnological inventions on the example of the EAEU member states, EU member states, the USA and Australia. As part of the study, judicial practices were considered and the main trends in the field of legal protection of biotechnological inventions were identified. The article focuses on approaches to determining industrial applicability, inventive step and novelty in the previously listed countries. The main legal acts of the respective states on the legal protection of inventions are considered and analyzed. Based on the study, the main trends and features of the legal protection of biotechnological inventions abroad were identified.

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How to Cite
IVANKOVICH, A., & SIAMIONAVA Т. (2022). LEGAL PROTECTION OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INVENTIONS: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 107-113.
Legal Sciences


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