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The transforming reality of modernity, which has involved the whole world and every individual, is quite different from the world in which classical criminology was formed. Permanent variability, globalization, relativity, unpredictability have significantly changed both society and an individual. Crime, being a product of society, the expression and sum of all the processes occurring in it, in such conditions also acquires qualitatively different features, caused by the peculiarities of its genesis in the latest times. Crisis became an attribute of life and formed a type of "crisis person", different from the model of sociality, on which criminological speculations are still mostly based. Criminology is mostly out of touch with reality, and needs to transform the concepts of “crime" and "criminal personality" in the light of the regularities of the postmodern network society. The prospect of transforming criminology is seen within the sociological paradigm of criminology and in the development of a dynamic model of the individual, formed and existing under conditions of total uncertainty and relativity.

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How to Cite
PRYKOLOTINA, Y. (2022). CRIMINOLOGY OF TRANSFORMING REALITY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 121-127.
Legal Sciences
Author Biography

Yu. PRYKOLOTINA, Polotsk State University

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