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The article is devoted to the characterization of non-performance and improper performance of official duties by an official as signs of a socially dangerous act of negligence. Within the framework of the publication, the author's position on the essence and range of sources of official duties is disclosed. The author proposes the content of the definition of “official duties”, substantiates the proposal to replace the wording “failure to perform or improper performance by an official of his official duties” with the wording “violation by an official of his official duties” in the disposition of art. 428 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

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How to Cite
RYZHANKOU, A. (2022). OBJECTIVE SIGNS OF SERVICE NEGLIGENCE ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACTION OF THE GUILTY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 90-95. https://doi.org/10.52928/2070-1632-2022-60-5-90-95
Legal Sciences


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