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In the modern world, the accounting methodology is undergoing significant changes under the influence of new trends of our time - digitalization and automation. Modern IT-technologies make it possible to optimize the accounting process, simplifying the routine work of specialists or completely freeing them from it. The article discusses the existing approaches to the concepts of automation and digitalization of accounting, identifies their similar and distinctive features according to a number of criteria: goal, object, subject, resources, technologies, stages, result. The author investigates the essence of automation and digitalization of the accounting process, presents a theoretical justification for the allocation of a new digital method for registering accounting information.

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How to Cite
AFANASEVA, K. (2021). AUTOMATION AND DIGITALIZATION OF ACCOUNTING: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 9-14.
Экономические науки
Author Biography

K. AFANASEVA, Polotsk State University

канд. экон. наук, доц.


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