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Ensuring public safety is an important issue for all developed countries of the world. In this area, various organizations conduct constant monitoring, as a result of which ratings are published, the results of which have a significant impact on choosing a place of residence, attracting tourists and investors, etc. To simplify control of public safety in cities, artificial intelligence systems are increasingly used. Along with the positive effects of such systems, the protection of human privacy is becoming a key issue. This article describes the results of Belarusian scientists on the creation of such systems and examines the features of their implementation in a “smart city” in our country. The experience of a number of countries in the implementation of artificial intelligence systems to strengthen public safety in existing "smart cities" is analyzed. The legal problems arising during the functioning of such systems are considered, especially in terms of limiting the freedom and rights of citizens. Proposals are given on the development of the regulatory framework in the Republic of Belarus in order to protect the rights of citizens.

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How to Cite
ABLAMEYKO, M., SHAKEL, N., & BOGUSH, R. (2021). THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS IN ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY IN A “SMART CITY”: LEGAL ASPECTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 84-92.
Legal Sciences
Author Biographies

M. ABLAMEYKO, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. юрид. наук, доц.

N. SHAKEL, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. юрид. наук, доц.

R. BOGUSH, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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