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The article considers new institutions of civil law of the Republic of Belarus, as well as changes that have affected the traditional institutions of civil law. In particular, such institutions as factoring, insurance, energy supply, intellectual property and others are analyzed. The development of civil law institutions in the context of the digital economy is considered, including attention is paid to intellectual property in the field of digital educational space. Attention is drawn to the issues of codification of legislation in relation to individual institutions of civil law. General issues related to the digital economy and digital rights, including blockchain and tokens, are considered. In the context of the study, the institution of civil transactions is also considered. General conclusions on the research topic are made.

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How to Cite
BOGONENKO, V. (2021). INTEGRATION OF NEW INSTITUTIONS IN THE CIVIL LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (5), 93-99.
Legal Sciences
Author Biography

V. BOGONENKO, Polotsk State University

канд. юрид. наук, доц.


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