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In the doctrine of international law and the practice of international relations, the legitimacy of providing immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction to certain state officials, in general, is not disputed. At the same time, the grounds for granting immunities to officials (ratione personae and ratione materiae) are significantly different. These very aspects are the subject of constant academic discussions. This article attempts to reveal the essence of the functional immunity of officials, to identify situations in which it can’t be granted. The author specifies types of individuals who can pretend to immunity ratione materiae, as well as a list of actions that qualify as being committed by an official in official capacity. In addition, the article contains author’s proposals for an amendment to art. 7 of the Draft articles “Immunity of state officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction”, is being developed by the UN International Law Commission.

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How to Cite
MAROZ, N. (2020). ESSENSE OF FUNCTIONAL IMMUNITY OF STATE OFFICIALS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part D. Economic and Legal Sciences, (6), 98-103. Retrieved from
Legal Sciences
Author Biography

N. MAROZ, Belarusian State University, Minsk

канд. юрид. наук, доц.


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